Curious about how to get the most out of MEGA Learning’s Global Customer Value Challenge? Join us today at 12 pm ET for an exclusive, free webinar hosted by Harvard Business Publishing led by our managing partner, Benoit Calicis!

In this webinar, you will:
- Get exclusive insights and best practices from MEGA Learning Managing Partner, Benoît Calicis, about how to get the most out of the simulation.
- Discover what the MEGA Learning Simulation: The Global Customer Value Challenge is, what levels and courses it is best-suited for, and what learning objectives it can help you address.
- Understand how to navigate the faculty interface and set up the simulation to best-suit your classroom.
- See how your students will experience the simulation.
In the MEGA Learning Simulation: The Global Customer Value Challenge, students compete with their peers while role-playing as the new management team of a car manufacturing company. They are challenged to create and execute a strategic approach that aligns their value proposition with the value chain while improving the company's environmental and social performance over time.
Can’t make it today? No worries! We’ll be hosting additional sessions on November 20 and 21 🙌
This session is a unique chance to explore the ins and outs of our signature marketing & strategy simulation and gather actionable insights to bring even more value to your teams or classrooms.
Don’t miss out—secure your spot and be ready to elevate your strategic game with MEGA Learning!
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👉 Have a look at the the simulation page :